
Best Apex Legends Players That Can Change The Game

Apex Legends is, in short, a fast-paced battle royale game whose right Apex Legends characters can easily make the difference between the winning and the losing sides of a certain point in a match. When you’re expecting to boost your experience so that you can gain a much better advantage in games, U7BUY has Apex account that will surely help level up quite fast. Now, based on the best Apex Legends accounts, players can receive unique skins, legends, and advantages that will help you make a difference in playing and winning.

Team Success Channels Through Apex Legends

At times, to win in Apex Legends depends not so much on individual skills but on teamwork as a single unit. Team fights in Apex Legends often determine who will win the game because every legend is equipped with abilities that support other legends during a team fight. Players need to choose legends whose abilities can be used to help the team in those intense battles. Sometimes, it may be reviving a fallen member or laying down some cover fire. Teamwork works just about anywhere.

You need to communicate well with your team and combine the skills of your legend well to understand winning in Apex Legends. There’s no way you could come out as a winner with individual Apex Legends skills only since it will be hard to win games reliably without coordination and synergies among players. This is one of the ways you’ll improve your chances to win.

Five Apex Legends Best Legends To Turn The Tide

Choosing character in Apex Legends is important to win the game. Here are five of the best team players you can start with:


A rather important player on any Apex Legends character list is Bloodhound, boasting unmatched tracking abilities. This allows you to find the whereabouts of enemy positions and even follow tracks. This means it becomes easier for your team to monitor your opponent’s movements, especially in the tricky Apex Legends team fights. Thus, Your squad will enjoy knowing when and where to strike.


Wraith is a lifesaver if you ever need to get out of a tight spot or set up an ambush. Her Dimensional Rift allows the team to move quickly and safely, avoiding horrible encounters or putting themself into a better position. Choosing characters like Wraith in Apex Legends may be the key to setting up a perfect offense or defense.


Gibraltar is a tank for any team, and with his shield and ability to bombard, he is excellent at offering defensive prowess in Apex Legends. He can change the whole face of a team fight, making him invaluable for any squad looking to ensure a win. Moreover, his dome can sometimes protect other teammates, giving that tactical edge in tight situations.


No team is ever a complete Apex Legends team without the presence of an efficient medic. Lifeline excels at the art of reviving teammates quickly and safely. Her healing drone and care package abilities can extend a prolonged fight with the team. Regarding winning in Apex Legends, having a Lifeline on your team is critical to having everyone in top shape.


Caustic can turn a whole match around with his toxic gas traps for the players who tend to play strategically. Such traps are great for controlling the battlefield, especially when no open spaces are available in a match. By choosing characters like Caustic, one can manipulate the opponent’s movements and push him into unfavorable positions, making winning so easy.

Maximize Your Game With U7BUY

If you’re ready to dominate the game with the best legends, U7BUY offers a lot of Apex accounts that can give immediate access to top-tier Apex Legends characters, skin, and much more. Take your gaming experience to new heights by checking out their offerings in other games, such as Fortnite account, so you’re sure you’ll be all set for victory regardless of your game!

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